Gaming for Change: Prototype

Prototype your solution to test it and demonstrate that it will solve the problem. Your prototype can be a sketch or a virtual model that explains your solution. Test your design and get feedback, then make it better based on what you learn.

Math Resource

Use this resource to learn how to model projectile motion using quadratic equations and graphs. 

Technology Tools

The following resources can help you build a prototype of your solution. 

  • Desmos is a free online tool that you can use to write, graph, and animate functions to model the projectile motion in your game.  
  • Scratch is a free online programming tool that you can use to build a simple animation of the projectile motion in your game.
  • Canva is a free website that you can use to build storyboards to illustrate the gamer’s experience while playing the game and to model the projectile motion in your game.


Think About It

What did you learn about your idea by prototyping it?

How does your prototype create value for your consumers?