Goal Tracker: Research

Design a solution to your problem. Research and brainstorm possible solutions to the problem. Be creative and daring. Your first idea doesn’t have to be perfect.

Learn More

Challenge Champion Sofia Pyrgioti describes her background and pathway to becoming a content developer for CarbonCloud.

Helpful Resources

Explore these digital resources to learn more about the factors that can influence and guide the design of your product.

Understand the Problem

How can people and businesses make lasting changes?

Ways scientists and entrepreneurs are currently addressing the problem

Fortunately, entrepreneurs and researchers have been working to develop solutions that help people and businesses make changes, and many solutions already exist. As you begin developing your solution, you can use these resources to see what technologies already exist to find areas to improve.

What are some examples of entrepreneurs supporting change through progress monitoring and unique visualizations?

Math Resource

Use this Desmos resource to learn how to build functions that can be used to program animations. Before you can engage with this resource, your teacher will need to assign it to you.

Think About It

After reading through the helpful resources, what ideas do you have for your solution?

What problem will you solve with your business solution?