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Building Reading Comprehension through Knowledge, Language, and Structured Inquiry (K.L.I.)

Project Information



Institute of Education Sciences (IES), US Department of Education, R305A200283




Project Purpose

The researchers will develop a new small-group intervention for multilingual children identified as English learners (ML-ELs) in grades 3 through 5 who have reading comprehension difficulties. The intervention, called Building Reading Comprehension through Knowledge, Language, and Structured Inquiry (K.L.I.), aims to help readers strengthen their language and literacy skills while building new knowledge of interesting topics in the disciplines (science and social studies). The K.L.I. approach aims to build students’ knowledge of both the language and the topic area through direct instruction and through inquiry-based approaches, such as having students engage in conversations about language and the topic area. By addressing both of these areas of knowledge concurrently, KLI will help improve the reading comprehension of upper-elementary ML-ELs.

Sample Instructional Resources

Use the links below to access documents explaining the most recent iteration of the components of the K.L.I. intervention: