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The WELLness Blog

Sep 4, 2020

Stress Exploration and Management by Zakiya Futrell

As we deal with new life changes, school getting back into session, and living through a global pandemic, you may be experiencing some unknown feelings and maybe feeling a bit overwhelmed. In some cases, you may be feeling stressed and may not be aware. Stress is a feeling of physical or emotional tension.  Stress can… 

Aug 19, 2020

Emotional Acceptance by Brent Michel

What have you done today to try and control how you feel? Take a moment, and consider all the ways, large and small, you’ve tried to exert influence over your emotional landscape since waking up this morning. Maybe you had some coffee to feel less tired. Maybe you listened to a podcast in the car… 

Apr 15, 2020

Follow the Rules by Zakiya Futrell & Shaunacee Harris

We understand it is challenging to adhere to social distancing, especially if you don’t feel like the virus will impact you. However, think about those around you. Your parents, grandparents, siblings, even a stranger, if they contract COVID-19, they may deal with severe complications. It may be tempting to leave your home because peer pressure… 

Feb 5, 2020

The Inner Critic by Brent Michel

We are all constantly talking to ourselves.  This conversation doesn’t happen out loud, but in our heads, in the form of our thoughts. “Oh I need to get some milk from the store.” “I would like to see a movie this weekend.” “Oh those pants look terrible.”  “Where did I put my keys?!” It’s a… 

Apr 14, 2019

Fitness Wellbeing for Spring by Malcolm Harris

It’s spring time and that means it’s warming up and people are outside. Spring is a time where individuals have a renewed energy when comes to accomplishing the goals that they want. Let’s take advantage of the sunlight and improve our wellbeing through the lens of fitness. When many people think of fitness they think… 

Mar 31, 2019

Taking A Minute for Mindfulness by Davis Ann Bilodeau

Let’s pause and take a minute (or maybe even two) out of our day for mindfulness. Take a break from work, school, errands, and any other items on our to-do lists. Mindfulness can oftentimes be something that is elusive. We don’t have time to practice mindfulness, nor do we have the resources. Sometimes we aren’t… 

Feb 5, 2019

Self-Love on Valentine’s Day by Heather McAllister

Valentine’s day is supposed to be a day filled with celebrating love, right? We have been conditioned by media to think that this holiday will involve flowers, chocolates, and celebrating love in our intimate relationships. Then, when these expectations are not met, we can be left with a feeling of disappointment. Why not take some… 

Jan 15, 2019

A Wellness Approach to New Year’s Resolutions by Brittany Guerin

Do you set a New Year’s Resolution every year but cannot seem to commit to it? You are not alone. Only 8% of people actually achieve their New Year’s Resolutions. Instead of being hard on yourself, why not try a different approach? New Year’s Resolutions aren’t my favorite because of the following reasons: They might… 

Dec 5, 2018

4 Steps to Mindfulness and Gratitude During the Holidays by Kirsten Marino

What is Mindfulness? Have you heard of mindfulness? A simple definition of mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment, on purpose, without judgment.  It truly can be just this simple. Why then, do so many of us find it so difficult to do? With our hectic lives, filled with a plethora of electronic devices,… 

Oct 29, 2018

Embracing a Love Ethic by Andrew Shaw, CCERC Counselor

“A love ethic presupposes that everyone has the right to be free, to live fully and well.” —bell hooks, All About Love Can you think of a time, recently or in the past, when you felt deeply cared for and respected? How did that make you feel then? How does it feel to reflect on…