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VM²ED 2024 Repository Training

Cleveland, Ohio
November 7, 2024
8:00 am - 4:00 PM EST

The VM2ED Leadership team will host a training session on Thursday, November 7 from 8 am – 4 pm (EST) prior to the opening plenary of the annual meeting of the Psychology of Mathematics Education – North America (PME-NA). The aims of this training are to introduce the VM2ED repository to mathematics educators and to provide training for its use. Attendance is limited to participants outside of the current VM2ED community (e.g., individuals who did not participate in synthesis or repository development). Those who are interested in, or would benefit from training on validity, validation, and the use of the repository are encouraged to apply. Graduate students engaging in quantitative research within mathematics education contexts are also welcome to apply.

Attendees will receive a stipend for attending the training as well as breakfast, and lunch at the training. Please use this link or the QR Code to apply.