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Use this google form to share your work on validity and measurement in math education

Journal articles:

Confrey, J., Toutkoushian, E., & Shah, M. (2020). Working at scale to initiate ongoing validation of learning trajectory-based classroom assessments for middle grade mathematics. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 60.

Ing, M., Chinen, S., Jackson, K., & Smith, T. M. (2020). When should I use this measure to support instructional improvement at scale? The importance of considering both intended and actual use in validity arguments. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1111/emip.12393

Kesorn, N., Junpeng, P., Marwiang, M., Pongboriboon, K., Tang, K.N., & Wilson, M. (2020). Development of an assessment tool for mathematical reading, analytical thinking and mathematical writing. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 9(4), DOI:

Kosko, K. W. (2019). A multiplicative reasoning assessment for fourth and fifth grade students. Studies in Educational Evaluation (60), 32-42.

Kosko, K. W. (2018). Reconsidering the role of disembedding in multiplicative concepts: Extending theory from the process of developing a quantitative measure. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 10(1), 54-65.

Kosko, K. W., & Singh, R. (2018). Elementary children’s multiplicative reasoning: Initial validation of a written assessment. The Mathematics Educator, 27(1), 3-22.

Kosko, K. W., & Singh, R. (2018) What form of mathematics are assessments assessing? The case of multiplication and division in fourth grade NAEP items. Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College, 9(1), 1-8.

Kosko, K. W. (2017). Effects of student-reported gameplay strategy related to growth in multiplicative reasoning. The Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology, 11(3).

Pinilla, R. & Adams, E. L. (2021, February). Putting the end-user at the forefront: Validity evidences for teachers’ needs. Paper to be presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA) Research Conference. 

Wilson, M., & Gochyyev, P. (2020).  Having your cake and eating it too: Multiple dimensions and a composite. Measurement, 151, 107247.


Alagoz, C., & Ekici, C. (2020). Cognitive diagnostic modelling for mathematical modeling assessment. In Mathematical Modelling Education and Sense-making (pp. 349-359). Springer, Cham.

Alagoz, C., & Ekici, C. (in press). Validity of mathematical modelling assessments for interdisciplinary learning. In Mathematical modelling education in East and West. Springer, Cham.


Melhuish, K. (PI), Heaton, R. (Co-PI) & Thanheiser, E. (Co-PI)

NSF DRL #1814114 Using Technology to Capture Classroom Interactions: The Design, Validation, and Dissemination of a Formative Assessment of Instruction Tool for Diverse K-8 Mathematics Classrooms

Mejia-Ramos, J. P. (PI), Weber, K. (Co-PI), Gitomer, D. (Co-PI), Melhuish, K. (Co-PI) & Lew, K. (Co-PI)

NSF DUE #1821553 Developing and Validating Proof Comprehension Tests in Real Analysis

Wilson, J. (PI), Walkowiak, T. (Co-PI) & Wilhelm, A. (Co-PI)

NSF DRL #1908481 Validation of the Equity and Access Rubrics for Mathematics Instruction (VEAR-MI)

Conference Proceedings:

Adams, E. L., Cohen, J., Crawford, A., Johnson, E., Ketterlin-Geller, L. R., Wilhelm, A., & Wilson, J. (2021). Validity Arguments for K–12 Teacher Observational Measures: Issues and Future Directions. Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association Research Conference.

Arneson, A. E., Wihardini, D. & Wilson, M. (2020, April). Developing Assessments for College-Ready Critical Reasoning in Statistics. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled).

Austin, C. K., & Kosko, K. W. (2020). Survey of preservice teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge for students’ multiplicative reasoning. In Sacristán, A.I., Cortés-Zavala, J.C. & Ruiz-Arias, P.M. (Eds.). Mathematics Education Across Cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 764-771). Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico: Cinvestav & the Mexican Association for Research on the Use of Technology in Mathematics Education (AMIUTEM).    

Engledowl, C. (2020). Constructing and validating an early algebra assessment. In J. Cribbs & H. Marchionda (Eds.), Proceedings for the 47th Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning (pp. 51–58).

Wilson, M. & Lehrer, R. (2020, April). Role of Instrument Design in Framing the Validity Argument for a Set of Mathematics Assessments. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled).