
Grimmett, M.A., Lupton-Smith, H., Beckwith, A., Messinger, E., Edwards, M., Moody, B., Clark, C., Mohamed, M., Englert, M., & Bates, D. (2024) Intent and impact: Connecting multicultural and social justice counselor training to community client experiences. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 1–15.
Limited studies examine the impact of multicultural counseling and training conceptual models on the experiences of community clients. The Community Counseling, Education, and Research Center (CCERC) model is designed to meet community client needs for counseling services and training needs of counseling students through multiculturalism, love ethic, and trauma sensitivity. A thematic analysis of client responses about their experience of the model revealed that counseling was validating, positive, meaningful, and helpful. Implications and recommendations for future research are provided.
Estudios limitados examinan el impacto de los modelos conceptuales de asesoramiento y capacitación multicultural en las experiencias de los clientes de la comunidad. El Modelo CCERC está diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes de la comunidad en cuanto a servicios de consejería y las necesidades de capacitación de los estudiantes de consejería a través del multiculturalismo, la ética del amor y la sensibilidad al trauma. Un análisis temático de las respuestas de los clientes sobre su experiencia con el modelo reveló que la consejería fue validadora, positiva, significativa y útil. Se proporcionan implicaciones y recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones.
Grimmett, M.A., Lupton-Smith, H., Beckwith, A., Englert, M., & Messinger, E. (2018). The Community Counseling, Education, and Research Center (CCERC) Model: Addressing Community Mental Health Needs Through Engagement Scholarship. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 22(3), 201-230. Retrieved from
Providing access to high-quality health services for all people is a national problem further compounded when the focus is mental health. Long-term primary prevention strategies and solutions, foundational to best practices in public health, are often considered at odds with short-term profit-driven private sector approaches within the capitalistic economy of the United States. Engagement scholarship, then, provides a uniquely viable, adaptable, responsive, customizable, and sustainable set of structures, mechanisms, and processes to address pressing societal needs. The CCERC model of engaged scholarship offers an example of community engagement, transformative and exceptional in addressing these societal and structural health care problems, with potential for customizable and contextual scalability. Specifically, world-class health care as a human right and an organizational value can be operationalized with engagement scholarship, which has the creativity and capacity to transform institutional values into purposeful and practical vehicles of community change.
Grimmett, M.A., Beckwith, A., Lupton-Smith, H., Agronin, J., & Englert, M. (2017). A community counseling center model for multicultural and social justice counselor education. Journal for Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 4(2), 161-171. doi: 10.1080/2326716X.2017.1347390
The Community Counseling, Education, and Research Center (CCERC) model addresses a critical public health need for accessible, affordable, high-quality mental health services focused on wellness. Within a southeastern urban community, the multicultural and social justice foundation of the model responds to systemic needs and creates an optimal learning environment for counselor education graduate students, unavailable in traditional health-care and human service systems. A client study is offered to demonstrate the application of the model.

- Bilodeau, D.A., Durham, B.J., McAllister, H.(2020, February). Meeting The Client Where They Are: The Lived Experiences of Graduate Students Facilitating Group Therapy in The Community. Presentation at the North Carolina Counseling Association Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC.
- Lupton-Smith, H., Mohamed, R., Edwards, M., Messinger, E., Cataldi, A., & Grimmett, M. A (2020, February). Addressing mental health services in public schools with Master’s level counseling trainees. Paper presented at the meeting of the North Carolina Counseling Association Conference, Charlotte, NC.
- Durham, B. J., Edwards, M., Grimmett, M. A., Lupton-Smith, H., Messinger, E., & Mohamed, R.(2019, October). Wellness, multicultural, and social justice model for counseling interns in a community counseling center. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Seattle, WA.
- Durham, B. J., Edwards, M., Grimmett, M. A., Lupton-Smith, H., Messinger, E., & Mohamed, R.(2019, October). Wellness, multicultural, and social justice model for counseling interns in a community counseling center. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium, Denver, CO.
- La Guardia, A. C., Farrell, I. C., Grimmett, M. A., Hof, D., & Rose, J. S. (2019, March). Community embeddedness: Taking action to support change. Chi Sigma Iota Special Session at the annual meeting of the American Counseling Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Grimmett, M.A., Lupton-Smith, H., Beckwith, A., Englert, M., & Messinger, E.(2019, March). The community counseling, education, and research (CCERC) model: Addressing community mental health needs through engagement scholarship. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Counseling Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Jackson, J. N., Hsu, T. C., & Shaw, A. M. (2019, February). CCERC’s “Teen Talk” group: Multiculturalism, social justice, and community partnership in practice. Presented at the meeting of the North Carolina Counseling Association, Durham, NC
- Guerin, B & Sutton, K. (2019, February). Weight Stigma: How to Be an Advocate for People of All Sizes. North Carolina Counseling Association Conference, Durham, NC.
- Grimmett, M. A., Lupton-Smith, H., Beckwith, A., & Englert, M. (2018, October). The Community Counseling, Education, and Research Center Model of Engagement Scholarship. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium, Minneapolis, MN.
- Judeh, N., Deschler, J., (2018, October). Mental Health Services for Refugee Community: Multicultural Considerations. Global Experts Meeting on Psychiatry and Mental Health, Rome, Italy.
- Edwards, M., Messinger, E., Mohamed, R., Grimmett, M. A., & Lupton-Smith, H. (2018, February).Supervision of counseling interns: A wellness, multicultural, and social justice community training model. Paper presented at the meeting of the North Carolina Counseling Association Conference, Durham, NC.
- Grimmett, M. A., Lupton-Smith, H., Beckwith, A., & Englert, M. (2017, October). A Community Counseling Center Model for Multicultural and Social Justice Counselor Education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Chicago, IL.
- Grimmett, M. A., Lupton-Smith, H., Beckwith, A., & Englert, M. (2017, September). A Community Counseling Center Model for Multicultural and Social Justice Counselor Education. Engagement Scholarship Consortium. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium, Birmingham, AL.