Follow the Rules by Zakiya Futrell & Shaunacee Harris

We understand it is challenging to adhere to social distancing, especially if you don’t feel like the virus will impact you. However, think about those around you. Your parents, grandparents, siblings, even a stranger, if they contract COVID-19, they may deal with severe complications. It may be tempting to leave your home because peer pressure is tempting. You may see other teens still hanging out, but just consider that your actions play a role in the safety of others. Keep in mind, the quicker we follow these guidelines, the faster you’ll be able to get back to your friends!
Here are a few tips for dealing with any anxiety you may be experiencing:
Limit yourself from watching the news! Yeah, you probably think you don’t watch the news anyway but think about social media. The unwanted ads that pop up may contain inaccurate news about the virus which increases our anxiety.
Connecting with friends and family virtually. Snapchat, Facetime, or other digital media to communicate with your friends regularly. Although you can’t see each other in person, this is a great way to check-in with each other.
Here are a few activities you can do while in quarantine:
- Get Active
- Go for a walk or maybe do some at home workouts. Here’s some apps you can use to help guide your workout (Down Dog, GymShark, Daily Workouts, Nike Training Club…check in with your app store for more workout applications).
- Boost your Knowledge
- Knowledge is power and finding a good book is easy. Check out Ibooks or other book apps for free!
- Get Creative
- Check out some Art & Crafts.
- Coloring can help relieve stress & help you focus.
- Heres a few websites to see more DIY and at home creative activities:
- Connect with friends through Social Media and other apps
- During this time it is very important to check in on your family and friends. Utilize social media platforms to talk and connect with friends and family.
- Use Apps such as Zoom and FaceTime to connect with friends & family face to face while practicing social distancing.
- Enjoy some laughs!
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