“Chat & Chew” (MAT students)
https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/7960512312Good afternoon MAT students,I hope you are all thriving and finding time for joy this week. On behalf of Mx. Ashtyn Coates, I would like to invite you to participate…
Good afternoon MAT students,I hope you are all thriving and finding time for joy this week. On behalf of Mx. Ashtyn Coates, I would like to invite you to participate…
A monthly check-in with College of Education graduate students. Share your concerns, your successes, and your questions. Join Zoom Meeting https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/99132288819?pwd=dUhEMzJDNVZtT1F4ZUNDeEcyejRYQT09 (ID: 99132288819, password: 794507) Join by phone (US) +1…
A monthly check-in with College of Education graduate students. Share your concerns, your successes, and your questions. Join Zoom Meeting https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/99132288819?pwd=dUhEMzJDNVZtT1F4ZUNDeEcyejRYQT09 (ID: 99132288819, password: 794507) Join by phone (US) +1…
Have an upcoming research presentation or defense? Come present to an open group of faculty, students, and staff for meaningful feedback. Join Zoom Meeting https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/93840646960?pwd=RVVNTUxmQ0h5dktQTlo5ZHcrQWVmQT09 (ID: 93840646960, passcode: 078671) Join…
Have an upcoming research presentation or defense? Come present to an open group of faculty, students, and staff for meaningful feedback. Join Zoom Meeting https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/93840646960?pwd=RVVNTUxmQ0h5dktQTlo5ZHcrQWVmQT09 (ID: 93840646960, passcode: 078671) Join…
Good afternoon MAT students,I hope you are all thriving and finding time for joy this week. On behalf of Mx. Ashtyn Coates, I would like to invite you to participate…
Have an upcoming research presentation or defense? Come present to an open group of faculty, students, and staff for meaningful feedback. Join Zoom Meeting https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/93840646960?pwd=RVVNTUxmQ0h5dktQTlo5ZHcrQWVmQT09 (ID: 93840646960, passcode: 078671) Join…
Have an upcoming research presentation or defense? Come present to an open group of faculty, students, and staff for meaningful feedback. Join Zoom Meeting https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/93840646960?pwd=RVVNTUxmQ0h5dktQTlo5ZHcrQWVmQT09 (ID: 93840646960, passcode: 078671) Join…
Good afternoon MAT students,I hope you are all thriving and finding time for joy this week. On behalf of Mx. Ashtyn Coates, I would like to invite you to participate…
Have an upcoming research presentation or defense? Come present to an open group of faculty, students, and staff for meaningful feedback. Join Zoom Meeting https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/93840646960?pwd=RVVNTUxmQ0h5dktQTlo5ZHcrQWVmQT09 (ID: 93840646960, passcode: 078671) Join…