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Research Cafe (feat. Dr. Cameron Denson)

Poe Hall - Room 120

Lunch provided. The September Research Cafe will feature Dr. Cameron Denson from the Department of STEM Education and will highlight the latest civilian-to-civilian strategic engagements between North Carolina and Botswana as part of the U.S. Department of Defense’s State Partnership Program. The Department of STEM Education at NC State University participates as a delegate in…

An Open Forum with AERA President Vanessa Siddle Walker | 10-11 a.m.

Poe Hall - Room 120

What: Reflections on the Product and Process of Educational Research: An Open Forum with AERA President Vanessa Siddle Walker When: Friday, Sept. 20 | 10-11 a.m. Where: Poe 120 Who: Open to all College of Education faculty, staff, and students. About Vanessa Siddle Walker: She is the American Educational Research Association (AERA) President and Samuel…