{"id":1177,"date":"2020-09-04T10:13:12","date_gmt":"2020-09-04T14:13:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/sites.ced.ncsu.edu\/ccerc\/?p=1177"},"modified":"2022-07-10T20:02:49","modified_gmt":"2022-07-11T00:02:49","slug":"stress-exploration-and-management-by-zakiya-futrell","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/sites.ced.ncsu.edu\/ccerc\/2020\/09\/04\/stress-exploration-and-management-by-zakiya-futrell\/","title":{"rendered":"Stress Exploration and Management by Zakiya Futrell"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

As we deal with new life changes, school getting back into session, and living through a global pandemic, you may be experiencing some unknown feelings and maybe feeling a bit overwhelmed. In some cases, you may be feeling stressed and may not be aware. Stress is a feeling of physical or emotional tension.  Stress can cause feelings of frustration, anger, a feeling of being overwhelmed, and sometimes confusion. Sometimes stress can be good, but in cases of too much stress small tasks can be overwhelming and seem challenging. It is important that we know when our body is experiencing too much stress and how to manage stress effectively.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Acute Stress vs. Chronic Stress <\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

When trying to figure out if you are experiencing stress or going through a stressful moment it is important to know the difference between acute and chronic stress. Acute stress is \u201cbrief and intense\u201d and is caused by short term stressors, whereas chronic stress is long-term and may cause long-term effects that can be more severe. It is important to point out that some may experience chronic stress as a \u201cnormal feeling\u201d and become accustomed to the stressful feeling.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Acute Stress<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Can include emotional physical, and behavioral symptoms that happen before or during a stressful situation;<\/p>\n\n\n\n